Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Cauliflower soup

This is one of the most tasty and simple soups you can make, especially if you have a handy soup maker like me. If you don't have a soup maker you can also make it in a pan so do not fret over the cooking of it.

Now I can not take credit for this recipe as it was another member of my Slimming world group that introduced us all to it. She made it for one of our taster nights and we have all fallen in love with the soup.

This is not only a warming and filling soup it is also a speedy soup and only takes to make as long as the cauliflower takes to cook! What more could you ask for????


  • Cauliflower - Fresh or Frozen its up to you!
  • 2 to 3 Cloves of Garlic
  • Chicken Stock Pot/cube
  • Gogo Cheese (or any Healthy Extra A Soft Cheese)
So simple to make! Just put the cauliflower, garlic and chicken stock cube/pot in the soup maker or pan and fill with boiling water to just cover the cauliflower and leave to cook.
Once the cauliflower is cooked put in your heathy extra soft cheese with some salt and pepper and blend until smooth. I do not really use my health extra A so I would use a full pot of Gogo cheese (half is your healthy extra A) to half a bag of frozen cauliflower and get about 2 to 3 portions of the soup. This comes down to personal taste so just adjust as needed!

Sean does not like cauliflower but he could not tell that cauliflower was the base ingredient for this soup, that is how yummy it is!

Please do try this soup and let me know what you think if it :)

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